Tuesday, October 27, 2020

 Milk with antioxidant properties, Get more Healthy.

With antioxidants and rich flavor, this soothing recipe for  Milk is a delicious way to reap the benefits of Turmeric.

 Traditionally used for centuries in India, Turmeric is an herbal component packed with plant-based antioxidants that can help fight against cell-damaging free radicals in the body


How to make at home?


  • 1 half tea spoon of turmeric
  • 2 Cups Coconut Milk
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp Ginger
  • 1 tsp Honey


  1. Combine turmeric, coconut milk, cinnamon, and ginger in small saucepan and set to medium heat
  2. Heat mixture until steaming but do not bring to a boil
  3. Pour liquid into a mug and add honey to sweeten
  4. Enjoy!


 Andaman Sea warmer than Bay of Bengal: Role of Internal tide mixing deep

A new study conducted by Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
(INCOIS) to investigate internal waves, however, has given an answer:

 Deep waters (below 1,200 metres) in the Andaman Sea are about 2 degrees celsius warmer  than the Bay of Bengal due to internal tide mixing.

Internal tide energy dissipation and associated vertical mixing play a major role in maintaining the warmer temperature in the deep Andaman Sea.

 The rate of vertical mixing in the AS is about twice than what is observed in the Bay of Bengal.

Temperature distribution in the deep ocean plays an important role in regulating the deep ocean circulation, water mass formation, distribution of chemical properties & the distribution of marine organisms including invertebrate animals.

 Effect of climate change was more pronounced in the deep sea and the marginal sea than previously believed, as per study.
Tidal-induced deep-sea mixing plays an important role in controlling the distribution of heat and carbon in the ocean cause of climate change scenario.

 Drive global ocean circulation and force nutrients up from the deep, where they can be used by tiny plants at the sea surface that is at the base of the ocean’s food web.

 Milk with antioxidant properties, Get more Healthy. With antioxidants and rich flavor, this soothing recipe for  Milk is a delicious way to...